Australia's most trusted second hand saddle retailer
with 100's of 5 star reviews.

Appointments at Saddle Central
This is a click and collect service, parcel exchange takes place at the front gate.
(Refunds are NOT processed on the spot, refunds will be processed within 24 hours)
Appointments available Monday to Friday 10.00 - 5pm .
For out of hours appointments contact us to arrange.
Drop off a saddle to sell/consign.
This is a drop off at the front gate.
Assessments are not done on the spot, if you would like us to agree on a selling price before you drop the saddle off complete the saddle to sell form first, once pricing is agreed you can book a time.
If you drop a saddle off without it being assessed, we will email you our assessment within 24- 48 hours.
Appointments available Monday to Friday10.00 - 5pm.
For out of hours appointments contact us to arrange.
This is a pick up at the front gate.
Pick up a saddle that had been dropped in to be assessed to sell or has been on consignment.
Appointments available Monday to Friday10.00 - 5pm.
Visit Saddle Central with Your Horse.
If you are not sure what is going to suit your horse or you want to ride in several saddles this is the best way to try multiple saddles. There is a covered tie up area and a fenced arena.
You must be accompanied by an approved fitter, if you don't have a fitter we can arrange an independent fitter for you.
Saddle Central will assist with picking suitable saddles but does not do any saddle fitting or adjustments.
We recommend allowing 1.5 - 2 hours for your appointment.
There is no option to try saddles without using a fitter.
Appointments to start between 11 am and 1pm Tuesday to Friday.
Appointments to view saddles without your horse are not available.